Jessica, Certified TMS Technician

Jessica, Certified TMS Technician

Jessica joined our clinic in October of 2023. Previously, she worked as a Senior Phlebotomist for an Oncology office, followed by becoming a permanent substitute teacher at a local middle school. She is currently working towards earning her Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification and later plans to attend nursing school.

Jessica finds her role here at Dallas Neurocare Therapy to be extremely rewarding. She loves connecting with our patients and establishing trusting relationships with them during their TMS journey. Seeing our patients respond to the treatment and the curriculum she is teaching them while overcoming their depression is very fulfilling to her.

In her spare time, Jessica loves spending time with her two young children. Her weekends consist of cheering from the sidelines of a soccer game or watching gymnastics practice. She also loves to read, travel and play music bingo!

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