
TMS Therapy - Clinical Results

Innovative Technologies that Deliver Proven Results

TMS Therapy can provide patients with lasting benefits.*

In an NIMH-funded, independent, randomized controlled trial, people treated with TMS Therapy were four times more likely to achieve remission compared to patients receiving an inactive (or sham) treatment.14

Published research on TMS Therapy indicates that about 65% of patients experience a good response from treatment and a full 40% experience full remission from depression. Further research shows that for most patients the benefits received from initial treatment typically remain with the patient for one year or more before additional TMS treatments are needed.

TMS clinical study

TMS Therapy Is Included In Professional Treatment Guidelines

TMS Therapy was included in the 2010 American Psychiatric Association (APA) Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Major Depression—guidelines that provide recommendations for how psychiatrists should treat depression.*
TMS Therapy Clinical Results

Clinical studies with over 900 people have shown that TMS Therapy may help achieve remission for people living with depression.*

For many people, depression symptoms significantly improved or went away after four to six weeks of treatment.*

*Content References: 9. Dunner DL, et al. (2014).; 10. Kessler, RC et al. (2005).; 11. Carpenter LL, et al. (2012).; 12. George MS, et al. (2010).; 13. O’Reardon JP, et al. (2007).; 14. Janicak PG, et al. (2010).; 27. American Psychiatric Association (2010).